Please fill in your details below and answer as many questions as possible. It help us know you better and be able to guide you towards your goals. Please let us know in the form if you would like a call back before signing up to your trial week.
Located between Bury, Whitefield and Radcliffe, The Hive gym is near Newbank Garden Centre and the business estate just next door to Jungle Mayhem.
Unit 10 - Eton Business Park
Eton Hill Road / Bury Road, Radcliffe
M26 2ZS
Eton Business Park is at the junction of Bury Road and Eton Hill Road.
When we say “small group coaching” we really mean it! Our class are currently capped around 8 per session and a top notch coach will lead you through the entire hour so you are progressing safely and efficiently. Training in such a striving environment is an amazing source of inspiration and motivation. A taster workout don’t require any previous weightlifting experience. It is a great way to start at The Hive, meet the coaches and get to discuss with other members. Head to this link to purchase a single booking.